Passaic County Human Services
(973) 881-2834

The Department of Human Services is an umbrella social service agency concerned with the planning and funding services for the county’s disadvantaged and homeless citizens.
Programs operate out of four divisions:
Mental Health and Addiction Services
The Passaic County Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services receives state and county funding to ensure the availability of treatment services, particularly for the indigent. The Human Services Department, through this division, funds various qualified treatment providers, programs, and initiatives that address mental health and addictions concerns. Addiction services include Prevention, Early Intervention, Treatment, and Recovery Supports. This division also operates the Municipal Alliance Program and the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC). Some of the Mental Health services available in the county include outpatient and inpatient mental health services, psychiatric emergency services, supportive housing, ICMS, PACT, self-help support, respite care, and children and adult partial care. See below for important resources.
Community Outreach and Family Services
Programs are provided to assist individuals and families living in Passaic County. This division receives County, State, and Federal (HUD) funding to provide an array of services to the community, primarily low-income, indigent, or homeless individuals and families. These services are delivered directly by the Human Services Department or through one or more of our partner agencies. This division also offers 24/7 information and referral service and shelter placement through the NJ 211 hotline. Services include permanent housing placement; veteran and disabled housing; emergency shelter; rental and public utility assistance; food pantries; furniture and clothing donations; holiday food baskets and toys; school supplies; transportation vouchers (TANF and GA); adult & juvenile re-entry program; license restoration program; and Strive to Drive Program. To receive these services residents may appear in person at the Human Services Department or contact the Community Outreach and Family Services Director.
- Mental health
- Addiction treatment
- 211 - 24/7 information and referral social services hotline
- JDAI - Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiatives
- Homeless prevention and housing
- Mortgage and foreclosure counseling
- Rental and utility assistance
- At-risk youth program
Juvenile Administration
The Juvenile Administration Division receives County and State (JJC) funding to administer programs for the Passaic County Family Court, Youth Detention, and Juvenile Detention Alternative Programs. Additionally, this division operates the Youth Services Commission (YSC) which serves as the planning body for the development of programs for court-involved, at-risk, and low-income youth. Programs address needs at each point in the continuum of care, prevention, diversion, detention alternatives, disposition, and re-entry. Referrals for these services generally come from Family Court, schools, youth case managers, community providers, probation departments, parents and/or guardians, and the community. For more information about these services, please contact the Juvenile Administrator.
Workforce Development Board (WDB)
The Workforce Development Board of Passaic County (WDB) is dedicated to supporting workforce and economic development by connecting Passaic County New Jersey residents to jobs and ensuring that employers have the skilled workers they need to grow, compete, and prosper. Created pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), the WDB's role is to ensure that optimal investments are made in Passaic County to support workforce development, training, and job preparation for residents. The WDB also engages businesses to link the services of the local workforce system with the needs of employers within the county.
Last Updated: 04/06/24